What is an RFID tag? What role does it play?

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What is an RFID tag? I believe many people don't know much about it. In fact, RFID tags are widely used in daily life. For example, we use bus RFID cards, company security gates, logistics sorting management, in no-one supermarkets, hospital patients'paper one-time wristbands, bank cards and so on. They are all RFID tag working for us. Now Xinyetong will give you a detailed interpretation of what is the RFID tag, what role does the RFID tag play.

RFID tag

What is an RFID tag?

RFID is the abbreviation of Radio Frequency Identification, that is, Radio Frequency Identification. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is a kind of automatic identification technology which began to rise in the 1990s.

In short, RFID tag is a non-contact automatic identification technology. It makes use of the transmission characteristics of radio frequency signal and space coupling or radar reflection to automatically identify the target object and acquire relevant data. Recognition does not require manual intervention. As the wireless version of barcode, RFID technology has the function of waterproof and magnetic proof that barcode does not have. High temperature resistance, long service life, long reading distance, data on the label can be encrypted, storage capacity is larger, storage information can be changed freely.

RFID tag

Common commercial products with RFID technology as the core are induction chip or proximity card, induction card, contactless card, electronic label, electronic bar code and so on.

The Function of RFID Tag

1. Achieving Fast Scanning

RFID tags can recognize and read multiple tags at the same time because of their accurate identification and flexible recognition distance. RFID tags can be used for penetrating communication and accessible reading without any object coverage.

2. Large data storage capacity

The maximum capacity of RFID tags is megabytes. In the future, the amount of information that objects need to carry will continue to increase, and the data capacity of memory carriers will continue to expand according to the corresponding needs of the market. At present, it is in a steady upward trend. The outlook is impressive.

RFID wristband

3. Pollution Resistance and Durability

RFID tags store data in chips, which can effectively avoid damage and loss of data. RFID tag has the function of repeatedly adding, modifying and deleting data stored in the RFID tag, which facilitates the replacement and updating of information.

4. Small size and various shapes

RFID tags are not limited by shape and size, so there is no need to match the fixed paper and printing quality to ensure the accuracy of reading. In addition, RFID tags have been developed for miniaturization and diversification to accommodate more diverse products.


5. safety

RFID tags carry electronic information, data content is password protected, security is very strong, content is not easy to forge, tamper with, stolen, etc.

If you want to know more about RFID products, please feel free to contact us and we will serve you.

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Last update: Apr 07, 2024